Tuesday, November 27, 2012

MicrosoftStore.com on 2012 TG day

I launched IE9 and navigated to http://www.microsoftstore.com to browse around deals. This is what I encountered...
I am sure the Engineering and biz team handled this well..I will pass on the info anyways. I have my quality focussed ex-colleagues out there!

Gmail new "Compose" email feature technical glitch

I read this article"http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9234066/Google_integrates_Gmail_cloud_storage_service_Drive?taxonomyId=18" and tried out the new feature that Google was offering in its Gmail product and guess I landed on a technical glitch or bug!

I browsed around looking for the "Drive" icon mentioned in the news article and couldn't find it, until I clicked "Try the new email compose feature" that popped at the top of the page, the page refreshed and took me a new look compose email.
The redesigned "Compose email" looks trim and slim and the formatting and other options appears only "on demand or click". Didn't impress me at first, but that's where the "Cloud/Drive" icon or option is!

Anyways, coming to the glitch/bug that I noticed..
1) Enable the new feature to compose email and "reply to email"
2) Attach files, I tried with 1 file and 2 files
3) Once done, hit send
4) The email wouldn't go...it was in "Sending" (at the top of the page) and in parallel Saving (bottom of the page) state for about 5 minutes.
5) I copied the content before refreshing (so that I don't have to retype based on the past experience with Gmail or any web email client when you refresh page)
6)Now on refresh, I was given pop-up options "Leave on page or stay on page", I chose ":eave page" 7) alas..I see my typed in content intact! (a pleasant and welcome change, must needed though...good one Google). I hit send and it worked this time. 8) Issue didn't happen when there was no attach.

Browser: IE9 OS: Win 7 SP1
When found: 4:30p, 11/27/12