Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Google Dictionary - pronunciation tool defect

Win 7, IE 9

Go here - click the speaker icon as many times - there is pronunciation.
Now go here - and in the search bar/field enter the "define: career"
click the speaker icon, works only once.

It does not work/repeat pronunciation on refresh or resubmit. To me its a defect, for Google, may be not?


  1. I got the same problem. One thing I notice is that if you use Chrome browser, a Google product to search for the definition of a word, the speak icon works fine. You can click on it as many times as you want and each time the word is pronounced.
    Is this a google's deliberate exploitation of an existing IE bug?

  2. Thanks for the first comment Shareknowledge". Sure, thanks for the info. Will try it out.
